Use Your Voice to Make Sure #WellnessWins

Kayce D. Solari Williams, PhD, MPH, MS, ASHA Advocacy Committee
ASHA is affiliated with the Voices for Healthy Kids – Schools Health Policy Consortium, a national collective of multiple health promoting organizations and agencies. This month we were asked to join the #WellnessWins digital campaign to support the implementation and maintenance of strong wellness policies in school districts across the nation. This blog is one of the multiple ways we are joining in the efforts. The #WellnessWins campaign website has a variety of resources and methods to get involved and use your voice including templates for Twitter and Facebook posts.
If you’re hesitant or not sure about joining in the advocacy efforts, remember principles of a few classic statements:
There’s no ‘I’ in team.
Although individual members are necessary to create a team, it takes input and effort from everyone to make the greatest impact. We expand our reach as an organization when we partner with others for a common goal towards improving the health of the school community. The #WellnessWins digital campaign is a great way to use existing resources from a partner organization or teammate and expand the reach of our voice to a larger audience outside of our general membership.
Team work makes the dream work!
Joining in these campaign efforts to make a positive impact on health-related issues in schools gives us a chance to see collaboration at work first-hand. Through this digital campaign, everyone can see what’s going on in real time, all over the country. We can now work together to generate a huge digital footprint using social media and other electronic outlets. School communities across the nation will be able to see a large number of team members contributing towards a common goal.
You can’t win if you don’t play.
We have to be in it to win it and this takes active participation and engagement as well as desire and dedication. We must do our part to make sure Local Wellness Policies are developed, implemented, supported, and monitored to make them a win for the schools serve…to make sure #WellnessWins!
Are you ready to join the team? Are you saying, “Put me in coach!”? The time has come for you to use your ! Click HERE to visit the #WellnessWins! Resources today!